Cajun Cardinal Blend
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Phyllis
My birds love it!

My bird feeders are filled with finches and cardinals. The purple finches have taken over!!

 by David B.
Cajun Cardinal Blend with a Bountiful Bowl Feeder

Several months ago, I grew tired of seeing the squirrels in my back yard gobble up the seed I would put in my old bird feeder (NOT from Cole's, I might add). I bought a Bountiful Bowl Feeder and a bag of this Cajun Cardinal Blend to try out. I am thoroughly satisfied with the feeder and the seed blend! I saw a squirrel trying to get to the seed a few days ago and it was comical! They're determined little critters but the feeder stopped him cold. He just slid off the top of the feeder and didn't bother to try again. We just try to attract male and female cardinals, and the combination works great! As has been said, those squirrels might even try to eat some of the hot seed, but they won't come back for seconds!

 by Shellie
Squirrels eat this

I have been using Hot Meats seed and squirrels don’t eat it. I bought the Cajun Cardinal Blend this time instead because I thought squirrels would not be it, but they do. They pick out the Safflower seeds and eat them. I am so disappointed, this was an expensive mistake.

We are sorry to hear that your experience with Cajun Cardinal did not live up to your expectations. As always, we want our customers to be satisfied with their Cole's purchase. We are happy to facilitate a refund for you with the store where you purchased our product. Please contact me at and I will do my best to help.While cardinals and many other songbirds greatly enjoy this special blend, it is true that some squirrels will eat safflower when hungry enough to tolerate the bitter taste. Sadly when it comes to nature and wild animals, there are no absolutes - though we certainly think it would make feeding birds even better if there were!

 by Corinne Clover

All the birds at my feeder LOVE this blend. It's their favorite, they just can't get enough. Plus, squirrels won't eat it because of the heat!

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Type: Blended Seed

Even wild birds like a little Cajun spice now and then, so we’ve combined the fiery hot chilies of Hot Meats™ with straight Safflower (a favorite of cardinals) to create a surefire winner.

To purchase Cajun Cardinal Blend™, visit a retailer or shop online using the link below.

Cajun Cardinal Blend™

Provide a special oasis for your feathered friends to enjoy and get more birds at your feeder than ever before with Cole’s Cajun Cardinal Blend™.

Works well in all feeder types including Cole’s Terrific Tube™, Mighty Mesh™, and Bountiful Bowl™.

Available in 5, 10, 20 pound sizes

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Cajun Cardinal Blend
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Phyllis
My birds love it!

My bird feeders are filled with finches and cardinals. The purple finches have taken over!!

 by David B.
Cajun Cardinal Blend with a Bountiful Bowl Feeder

Several months ago, I grew tired of seeing the squirrels in my back yard gobble up the seed I would put in my old bird feeder (NOT from Cole's, I might add). I bought a Bountiful Bowl Feeder and a bag of this Cajun Cardinal Blend to try out. I am thoroughly satisfied with the feeder and the seed blend! I saw a squirrel trying to get to the seed a few days ago and it was comical! They're determined little critters but the feeder stopped him cold. He just slid off the top of the feeder and didn't bother to try again. We just try to attract male and female cardinals, and the combination works great! As has been said, those squirrels might even try to eat some of the hot seed, but they won't come back for seconds!

 by Shellie
Squirrels eat this

I have been using Hot Meats seed and squirrels don’t eat it. I bought the Cajun Cardinal Blend this time instead because I thought squirrels would not be it, but they do. They pick out the Safflower seeds and eat them. I am so disappointed, this was an expensive mistake.

We are sorry to hear that your experience with Cajun Cardinal did not live up to your expectations. As always, we want our customers to be satisfied with their Cole's purchase. We are happy to facilitate a refund for you with the store where you purchased our product. Please contact me at and I will do my best to help.While cardinals and many other songbirds greatly enjoy this special blend, it is true that some squirrels will eat safflower when hungry enough to tolerate the bitter taste. Sadly when it comes to nature and wild animals, there are no absolutes - though we certainly think it would make feeding birds even better if there were!

 by Corinne Clover

All the birds at my feeder LOVE this blend. It's their favorite, they just can't get enough. Plus, squirrels won't eat it because of the heat!